Political prisoner, the participant in the Square 2010 Uladzimir Jaromienak expects to be sent back to prison. The decision was taken by the Municipal Court in Minsk. But after pronouncement of sentence – 3-month arrest for violating preventive supervision regulations – Jaromienak is not sent immediately to serve the sentence. From that moment on, nothing has changed, Uladzimir Jaromienak himself says to palitviazni.info.
Uladzimir Jaromienak: On the same day, when my complaint was being considered, I called the inspector, asked him when they were going to come and take me, but I was answered that I had to wait until the end of November. As I have already noted, it seems to me that it is associated with the Eastern Partnership Summit, which will take place on 28-29 November in Vilnius. In my opinion, Minsk does not want to increase the amount of political prisoners to the beginning of the Summit.
– At the same time we see that the “circles in the society are strengthening .” Changes in media legislation are expected, talks concerning judicial reforms are being conducted. Authorities are not afraid to take such steps even on the eve of the summit.
Uladzimir Jaromienak : This is just another ” nonsense ” that we have been constantly hearing since 1994 in the country. If any changes occur , they are especially beneficial for officials of state structures, the head of state, but not for a democratic society. When it comes to the media, everyone knows that the ” circles ” continue to strengthen in the country. In our country there are a lot of independent stations . The authorities want and try to take control of those that have an impact on society. They want the media to write and print what they like. In general, a number of significant changes, including the regulations, have been adopted earlier, when Lukashenko has been preparing the ground for himself . Even the Constitution was changed at the request of and for one man only. Therefore, these changes are not beneficial . They libelled the concept of law, because in fact one person wiped his feet with a fundamental right .
– But not only the law has fallen victim but above all the society that has been taken captive and political prisoners appeared.
Uladzimir Jaromienak : In 2011 when I came out of prison, I knew well that I was released from a small colony to land in a bigger one which is not so closed. But there are also officials who follow you and watch over you . Repressive institutions, if necessary, take decisions on some operations. That’s why the country has become a real , big maquette of a penal colony.
– It turns out that , in fact the term ” ex-political prisoner ” does not exist ?
Uladzimir Jaromienak: Exactly, ex-political prisoners do not exist. Because if a man comes out of the place of detention, this concerns mainly those who have been convicted of Square 2010 , he is immediately put under the preventive supervision. For violation of which he can be quickly sent back to prison. Another example – Dzmitrij Dashkievich, who was released from prison immediately with preventive supervision. It is a quite tricky measure and resembles such a punishment like a “home chemotherapy” . In fact, those released still remain in custody. So every person who has been convicted for Square may be sent to prison once again. An example might be Vasyl Parafiankou. Although he was released, a new criminal trial started against him, which will be held soon.
– Generally speaking, the penal system is to educate people. But political prisoners call it otherwise – for them it is an attempt to break a man . But can you actually break a man who has his beliefs and who is supported by hundreds of people . So why do the authorities take such steps?
Uladzimir Jaromienak : If a man cannot be broken and the authorities realise that just at the beginning, they decide to isolate him . Therefore, all of these restrictions : a prison, a colony, an observation – constitute an attempt to isolate, to restrict in order to make it impossible for activists to work freely.