Tsimafei Dranchuk was born on 5 August 1981 in Zaslavl, Minsk region. Tsimafei is the leader of the unregistered Belarusian movement fighting for prisoner’s rights Over the Barrier.
In 1996-1997 he attended the Belarus Humanities Lyceum (later Yakub Kolas National Lyceum). In 1999 he became a student of journalist faculty of the Belarusian State University. In 2001 he was expelled from the University for his political activity.
Since 1996 till 2000 Tsimafei was engaged in the work for the Belavezhskaya Pushcha newspaper, between 1997 and 1998 he worked as the press-secretary for the Entrepreneurs’ Trade Union Sadruzhnasc. Till 2000 he was among most active members the Young Front. Tsimafei was the editor of the newsletter of the Young Front Moladzevy Vesnik (Youth News). In 1999 he participated in the presidential elections organized by opposition, he served as a press-secretary for Mikalay Chigir.
In 2000-2001 he became a chairman of the youth organization Maladzezhnaja Salidarnasc (Youth Solidarity),and since 2001 till 2004 coordinated work of Zubr movement.
Since 2004 Tsimafei became the activist of Andrey Klimov’s movement, he was one of organizers of the Revolution! on 25 March 2005.
In 2005 Tsimafey entered the European Humanities University in Vilnius, he studied international law.
Chronicle of repression
On 21 February 2006 Tsimafei Dranchuk was arrested and placed in the KGB detention center together with Enira Branitskaja, Mikalay Astreika and Aliaksandr Shalajka. On 4 August 2006 Tsimafei Dranchuk was sentenced to a year of imprisonment in a minimum security colony for violation of the article 193 of the Criminal Code (acting on behalf of an unregistered organization).
On 26 December 2006 he was released on parole from the prison No 1 in Minsk.
On 22 May 2007 together with political prisoner Zmicer Kasparovich, other public activists have declared creation of the Over the Barrier movement.
On 28 September 2008 Tsimafei Dranchuk together with Artur Finkievich and Zmitser Kasparovich founded the Young Belarus youth movement.