Jewgienij Suworow: They cought you? Endure it!


According to Jewgienij Suworow you do not necessarily have to do things for which you may go to prison. Obviously, there are such situations when you are captured, then you need to be patient. If they catch you, endure it. The former “Zubr” activist Jewgienij Suworow, political and social activist from Mogilev, tells the story of the time he spent in

BPF is near by

“I joined the opposition back in 1998 when I was only 14 years old. Then I saw the “Chernobyl Way” in Mogilev, a big  crowd and flags. I became interested in this topic. At that time I lived in the city center at my grandmother’s place and BPF Party office was just around the corner, which is pretty close. So one day I went there and said, “I want to join the BPF!” They referred me to the “Young Front” which at that time was the party youth organization.

In 2001 “Zubr” appeared and immediately intrigued me. At first I was a rank and file member and then I became the coordinator of Mogilev. In this party I could make use of my energy by being involved actively. I became a member of the BPF Party after I was released from prison in 2006 “

From the police with love or the Valentine’s Day in the custody of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The History of Jewgienij Suworow as a political prisoner began at the times of the youth movement “Zubr”. Back then he was the coordinator of the organization in Mogilev. The authorities decided to imprison him until the presidential campaign in 2006 finishes.

 “We put up a banner on the wall of the tallest building in Mogilev – wishes for the occasion of 14 February. Love was then mainstream. And downstairs, next to the entrance the police was already awaiting me. There was also an unmarked police car, which transported me to the nearest custody of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

They kept me for eight hours in the leninist Ministry of Internal Affairs before I learned that they “sew” a criminal case for me.”

Jewgienij Suworow considers his trial as interesting, because already in 2000 the activist was told to be unfit for military service due to health problems.  All documents that could confirm that now have disappeared and a criminal case was initiated under art. 435 section 1 (“evading military service”).

“I can boast that I am the first man against whom the case was initiated under this article. Although for a while I was worried that they can still add also art. 193.1, which entered into force then.

There was a moment in the custody of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when I had the opportunity to simply go out . They forgot about me, left me alone in the office. Unfortunately, I did not think about escaping. At night I was transported to provisional detention, and next morning I was again transported to the remand prison No. 4 in Mogilev.”

Gay? No, a member of the informal political organization!

“In the first cell, we were 15, all young, so I got accustomed somehow. It is good that they didn’t place me immediately together with criminals. But in three days they began to transfer me to different cells, with 30 to 40 people inside. There were real criminals, they were almost throwing knives at each other, they were asking if I’m not gay (using other terms of course). I had an interesting hairstyle at that time: I was bald, and on the back I had a rattail left. When they learned that I was a political prisoner, they were saying, “Kid, it’s all right, go on  a “palm” (three bunk bed). We’re with you, we’ll not even talk.”

Just before being set free Jewgienij was lucky, they put him in a cell with 4 prisoners and a TV set. He learned there about the Square.

“I do not know why, but I had no problems with the administration of the prison. I could easily walk without holding hands behind my back, like all the other inmates did when they went for a walk. I think that the guards perfectly understood everything.”

“Boars on the roads”

“Prison customs were standard. There is someone “watching over” the cell, there is  a “common account.” Probably thanks to the parcels which went on  a “common account” it was not a hard time for me. Thanks to these guys who were “warming me up” and sending “boars.” Yes, this is what they call a parcel – a “boar” .

House speciality in prison – bigos, which is made of awful sauerkraut, either stewed or boiled. And it was without salt. In general you won’t find salt in prison. Again, special thanks to my friends who passed me different spices and sausages. Sausages were tasty not only for me. All prisoners enjoyed them. In prison, we could not communicate by tapping, because then immediately there was a guard who came in to check if everything is under control. That is why there is another system put in practice, the so-called “roads”. The rope was dropped through the window and this way cigarettes, different small things and notes were passed on. Occasionally prison workers cut the “roads” off, but shortly after that they appeared again. Some part of my parcels went on the road to those who had hard times, and to those who were hungry.

Was I sorry? No, this is normal. I had enough parcels to share with others. Generally I received those parcels from my colleagues from “Zubr”, so from about 40-50 people. They communicated with my mother and with Krystyna Szatikowa (who passed away already) who helped me and my mother a lot.

My mother was in despair because of injustice from the part of the authorities. Not because her son was in prison but because of injustice.”

“Dirty tricks”

“During the trial after which they released  me and fined me there was a curious moment. Many people came to support me: my friends, relatives and others. About forty people. But they were told that the trial was postponed until next day. When my friends have gone and there was only my mother and uncle left the trial began. Can you imagine? The authorities did everything so that I felt no human support.

Later, there was one more dirty trick they’ve done to me: they put me under house arrest for a week, so that I could not go to Minsk and get to the campsite.

Overall, I was in prison for one and a half month. After having served the sentence my political career speeded up.”

Wolność dla Suworowa!

„Prawie codziennie dostawałem kartki, listy z wyrazami wsparcia. Było to bardzo miłe i podtrzymywało na duchu. W 2006 roku takiego szerokiego ruchu nie było, wsparcie okazywali tylko koledzy, przyjaciele z organizacji.

Logiczne jest, że ludzie spotykają się, modlą się wspólnie za więźniów politycznych. Niestety w więzieniu tego nie widać. Ja wiem, że cały budynek, w którym odbywałem wyrok, był pokryty hasłami “Wolność dla Suworowa!”. Ale o tym dowiadujesz się  tylko wtedy, kiedy wychodzisz”.

Obecnie Jewgienij Suworow mieszka w Homlu i działa w sektorze społecznym, “wbija swój gwóźdź do trumny dyktatury”. Niedawno urodziła mu się córka Miłada.

Freedom for Suvorov!
“Almost every day I received cards, letters with words of support. It was very nice and lifted my spirits. In 2006, the movement wasn’t that wide. I was supported only by colleagues and friends from the organization.

It is logical that people get together, pray together for political prisoners. Unfortunately, in prison you cannot see that. I know that the whole building, in which I served the sentence, was covered with slogans “Freedom for Suworow!”. But you learn about it only after getting out of prison.”

Currently Jewgienij Suworow lives in Gomel and works in social sector, he “hits his nail into the coffin of dictatorship.” Recently he has become a father of a daughter Milada.

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20.11.2013 Jewgienij Suworow: They cought you? Endure it!

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