Andrej Dryhaila

Andrej is a citizen of Ukraine, participant of the Chernobyl Path in 1996, an annual demonstration that takes place in commemoration of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Member of the UNA-UNSO (Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian National Self Defence).

Chronicle of repression

Andrej Dryhaila was arrested during the pacification of the Chernobyl Path-96 demonstration by the Belarusian authorities. During the action demonstrators clashed with militia. Until the hearing he was held in theVolodarka prison in Minsk. At the end of August 1996 judge Grigorij Korzyckij sentenced Andrej to one and a half years of imprisonment in a penal colony. He was released under an amnesty on 24 December 1996 thanks to the effort of the Ukrainian diplomacy. He and four other Ukrainian political prisoners immediately left Belarus.

Cases, concerning this person:

Other political prisoners

  • Aleh Korban
  • Tatsiana Tsishkevich
  • Anatol Liabedzka
  • Slavomir Adamovich
  • Valery Sedov