
One Article

Dzmitry Drozd

Dzmitry Drozd

Born on 26 March 1973 in the village of Drazdy (which became a part of Minsk in 1976). In 1992, Drozd graduated from the Minsk Technological School as a specialist in phototechnique. In 2005, he graduated from the historical faculty of the Belarusian State University where he studied museum management and protection of historical and cultural heritage. He worked as a photographer, was kin on science, did research in historical archives. He was not engaged in politics.

Chronicle of repression

Served a 10 day arrest for participation in the 19 December 2010 rally. On 1 February 2011, he was detained again and held in the pre-trial prison in Valadarski Street as an accused under the article 293, part 2 of the Criminal Code (mass riots). On 5 May 2011 he was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment.

Drozd was released on amnesty on 13 August 2011.