Ivan Kruk

Ivan Kruk was born on 27 October 1944 in the village of Kozan-Gorodok. He graduated from the Minsk school of militia, and later from the Kaliningrad State University. He is a lawyer with 30 years of experience. He was a deputy for the Ostroviec region. Member of the United Civic Party. During the 2006 election campaign he collected the signatures to support the two democratic presidential candidates: Aliaksandr Milinkevich and Aliaksandr Kozulin. Actively engaged in human rights activism.

Chronicle of repression

He was detained on 10 July 2006. On 15 May 2006 Ivan Kruk was sentenced to 6 months of arrest. The court found him guilty of resisting militia officers (the article 363, part. 2 of the Criminal Code ). He served his sentence in the penal colony in Glubokoje. He was released on 10 January 2007.

Other political prisoners

  • Jauhien Vaskovich
  • Ihar Alinevich
  • Alaksiej Yanusheuski
  • Ales Pushkin
  • Mikalay Pashkevich