Mikalay Chigir, a former political prisoner: In what direction are we going?

The former Prime Minister is astonished with actions taken by Lukashenko.

Mikalay Chigir, who served as a Prime Minister of Belarus in years 1994-1996, critically assesses the economic situation of the country.

– I see only one, increase in prices. It cannot be. Our prices are higher than in Europe, compare them to that in Poland. In what direction are we going? – asked Mr. Chigir.

Former Prime Minister believes that the authorities should seriously examine the causes of high prices of Belarusian goods.

– Why the price of gas and electricity is much lower than in neighboring countries, and the cost of final products much higher? People are travelling to Poland, they see and are well aware of the situation. Such a striking difference!” – said Mr. Czigir.

He told how during his tenure he undertook independent decisions, ignoring the commands of Aliaksandr Lukashenko.

– In contrast to the present day, in the 90’s, we were forced to raise prices because they were very low and did not cover production costs. I waited, when the president would leave the country, and I introduced resolutions concerning prices. Lukashenko yelled at me terribly, but then there was no comparison to European prices. And now, when we have surpassed European prices, he does not react. Someone has to stop the uncontrolled growth of prices. Obviously, the government has to do it – noted Chigir.


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