Mikola Statkevich is preparing book «Freedom’s Path» in prison

Mikola Statkevich, is writting a book in prison. It will be a collection of articles and essays written by the political prisoner during the past decade.

Maryna AdamovichMikalaj Statkievich’s wife, reported the news to Radio Svaboda.

According to Maryna Adamovich, in his latest letter Mikola Statkevich reminded of a piece, worth including in the book, which was written in 2007: “The article, as it seems to me, was called ‘A cruel coquette and the simpleton’. It concerns the relations of Belarus and Europe. The articel was written during so-called liberalization, and Mikola believes that the article is topical again”.

Maryna Adamovich together with Mikola Statkevich’s friends are now looking for his published articles in libraries and other sources.

“We will convert them into the digital format and prepare for publishing. Roughly half of the work has been done so far, so I will not try and guess when the book will come out. The sooner the better as we believe, and we hope that Mikola himself will be able to present it”, – Maryna Adamovich says.

According to Adamovich, the fragments of the letters send from the prison and in which Mikola  touches upon topical issues of the socio-political life will also be included in the book.

A former presidential candidate Mikola Statkevich was sentenced to 6 years in prison for alleged organization of disturbances on 19 December 2011. The politician did not acknowledge the guilt and stated in the court that it had been a legitimate meeting of protest against the falsification of the presidential elections’ results. It is the second consecutive year that Mikola Statkevich has been kept in a closed type prison as a malicious violator of the regime.

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