Jauhen Vaskovich released from solitary confinement

The information that Jauhien was released from solitary confinement was sent by the mother of the  political prisoner.  “Yesterday I called to the colony, I was told that my son was released from solitary confinement. But I have no further information on how he feels,” said Mrs. Vaskovich
Jauhen was sentenced to seven years in prison for alleged attempted arson of Bobruisk KGB building. Jauhien was considered “malicious offender of prison rules” and he was placed in solitary confinement several times during this year.

Other political prisoners

  • Mikola Statkevich
  • Aliaksandr Barazenka
  • Aleh Korban
  • Andrzej Poczobut
  • Yury Lavonau